Most people purchase a firearm to defend themselves and their loved ones. This class tackles a wide range of topics from the proper mindset, to how to prepare your home for safety, to how to use appropriate force, to shooting techniques.
Basic Home Defense
Most people purchase a firearm to defend themselves and their loved ones. This class tackles a wide range of topics from the proper mindset, to how to prepare your home for safety, to how to use appropriate force, to shooting techniques.
Course Covers
Basic Firearm Safety
Defensive Shooting Safety
Safe Firearm Storage
Basic Defensive Shooting Skills
Shooting Positions
Aiming and firing Techniques
Utilizing Cover and Concealment
Opportunities for Skill Enhancement
Course Covers
Making You and
Your Home Safer
Selecting a Firearm
for Personal Protection
Selecting Ammunition for Personal Protection
Cost includes targets & range fees. Cost does not include guns or ammunition. You will need 200 rounds of ammunition.
Contact Instructor
Contact Instructor
This Class is
Temporarily Not Available
Class Cost
per person, $75 deposit
This course is conducted by an outside vendor. A fee is paid to CVSC for the use of our facility however Coyote Valley Sporting Clays does not have operational control of this course.